2007年11月30日 星期五


 作者  ie945167 (龍蝦)                                      站內  Lobster
 標題  [WebFund]Lab4-題目
 時間  2007/11/30 Fri 14:20:46

EXERCISES 18.6 (P606)

Add a second level to the game with two blockers instead of one.

Try to do this without adding a fourth frame to the timeline.

Instead, create a duplicate blocker symbol and modify it to appear
                  完全一樣的                    修改       invisible at first.
Think about reversing the process we used to make
             相反的                      the sections of the target invisible.
The final score should be a combination of first- and second-round scores.

[Hint: Create a global variable level that stores the current level
           (i.e., 1 or 2). Make the second blocker visible only if level == 2.]

                                             人人都可 定‧三‧米

▅◣ Origin:  謠 言 報  bbs.csie.fju.edu.tw
▋◤ Author: ie945167 從 發表
▋※ Modify: 2007/12/01 Sat 19:33:14

